BIO 469 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Exam Guide - Triploblasty, Nervous System, Coelom

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Mostly found in caves, spicules made out of calcium carbonate or aragonite. Archeocyte; differentiates into whatever cell the sponge needs as well as produce games. Flagella changes water pressure inside and outside of sponge and facilitate movement (stays in place) Amebocyte: moves food from choanocyte to rest of the sponge (moves around) Sponges are colonial, sessile, and simple animals with pores, canals, and chambers through which water flows. They feed on particles captured from the water. Cellular grade of construction, no true tissue. Nutrition: all filter feeders, some with algal symbionts. Excretion/osmoreg: cellular (water current takes away wastes), no osmoreg. Circulation: none ( nutrients may be transported from cell to cell via amebocytes) Nervous system: no neurons but cell-to-cell communication, some sensory in larvae. Locomotion: cilia or flagella only in larvae. Use hook shaped spicule to grab prey. Prey are gradually enveloped by migrating feeding cells that digest and absorb. Fragmentation: rip sponge in half, the pieces will survive.