[BIO 242] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (31 pages long)

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Document Summary

The chemical level: various atoms and molecules make up the body. All matter, living or non-living, is composed of atoms. Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen make up approximately 96 percent of the total body chemistry. The cellular level: cells are the basic units of life. Cells are the least complex level of organization capable of performing the tasks of life (the basic units of life). Cellular differentiation results in approximately 200 specialized types of cells. The tissue level: tissues are groups of cells of similar specialization. Tissues are assemblages of cells that perform similar physiological functions. The organ level: an organ is a unit made up of several tissue types. Organs are differentiated structures composed of two or more primary tissue types performing specific functions. Organs are composed of highly specialized forms of the primary tissues so that specific tasks can be performed. The body system level: a body system is a collection of related organs.