NUTR 250- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 38 pages long!)

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13 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Fluids are needed to maintain blood volume, regulate body temperature, and prevent heat exhaustion, heat cramps, and heat stroke. Dehydration: >2% of weight loss from sweating. Consume carbs and sodium during prolonged exercise. Electrolytes: maintain blood volume and enhance absorption of water and carbohydrates. Avoid beverages with alcohol, caffeine, and sugar contents >10% 3 cups of water per pound lost. Eat carbohydrates within 30 minutes of working out. Substances or treatments intended to improve athletic performance. Science only supports carbohydrate, caffeine, and creatine. Essential organic compounds required in small amounts. Fat malabsorption: poor absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins are packages and delivered with dietary fats then the liver transports them to cells. Water-soluble vitamins are delivered to the bloodstream and then distributed via circulation. Alcohol so it can bind to a fatty acid. Provitamins: can be converted to vitamin a. Retinoids come from liver, fish, fish oils, fortified milk, and eggs.