PSYC 225 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Optic Chiasm, Hemiparesis, Color Vision

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Claimed that we could ignore past and explain perception solely in terms of the present, went against freudian. Law of pragnanz - good figure - we see things in the easiest way, good form. Law of closure - we fill in the blanks, perceive as whole even when not complete. Law of proximity - group objects that are close together. Law of similarity - group similar objects together, x and o"s picture, group vertical o"s and vertical x"s instead of horizontal rows. Law off good continuation points, when connected, create a straight or smooth line. Law of inclusiveness - camouflage - even if camouflage you can see larger object. Law of common fate - grouping objects that move together. Law of symmetry - we see symmetrical objects as the foreground: general principles. Law of field properties - the whole is greater than the sum of parts. Ex: hydrogen and oxygen are not as cool separate.