PSYCH 280 Study Guide - Final Guide: Intrusive Thought, Relational Aggression, Miniature Golf

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8 Aug 2016

Document Summary

Norms can help establish and maintain social order. Mindlessly following these norms can be a problem. Conformity: a change in behavior or beliefs to agree with others. Informational influence: conformity from accepting evidence provided by other people. Look to others when we don"t know the right answer. Normative influence: conformity based on a desire to fulfill others" expectations. Public compliance: yielding to a request for certain behaviors or agreement to a particular point of view while privately disagreeing. Willingness to comply to a larger request after first complying with a smaller request. Asking for a larger favor first and the retreating to a smaller favor. Norm of reciprocity- expectation that people will help those who have helped them. We determine what"s correct by looking to others. Things you do not or cannot have become more valuable. Obedience- a change in behavior or beliefs as a result of the commands of others in authority, obedience requires an authority figure.