BIO 103 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Dependent And Independent Variables, Reductionism, Pseudoscience

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The nature of science and the characteristics of scientific. Characteristics of science: driven by facts, based on observation, open to modification, objectively reviewed for modification, not biased. Traits of scientific activity : empiricism- information collected by observation, quantification- measurements are taken in numbers, replication, testable & falsifiable- open to be disproved, skepticism, reductionism- data is simplified by graphs and tables, what is a hypothesis, educated guess. Independent variable: variable manipulated by the experimenter. A way of thinking affecting how one investigates, understands, and interprets the universe: paradigms shift because annomolies occur (unexpected result) and a new paradigm is formed. Cells (biological cells: life exhibits growth and development, reproduction, responsive to stimuli, maintains homeostasis, adapts and evolves. Energy is neither created nor destroyed but changes from one form to another a. ii. Can only break even (in quantity: second law of thermodynamics: b. i. In energy conversions the energy is moved to a less useful form (aka heat loss)