MCB 300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Louis Pasteur, Virulence Factor, Microorganism

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Lecture 31 - pathogenic microbe-host interactions - studying the virulence of pathogenic microbes - koch"s postulates, infection models, identifying virulence factors. People didn"t know that microbes caused infections until somewhat recently. There were a few breakthrough people that helped discover the connection between the microbes and the diseases. John snow identified the connection between cholera and the water supply. Louis pasteur identified the connection between fermentation and rotting and bacteria. Robert koch made a set of standards that need to be met in order to. Microbe needs to be present in all the cases of disease and need to be absent in all healthy individuals. Microbe needs to be able to be isolated. Microbe that was isolated needs to cause infection in a healthy host when introduced. Microbe needs to be reisolated again from the new host and be the same as the first isolation.