MCB 300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Louis Pasteur, Microorganism, Cholera

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Louis pasteur & spontaneous generation & fermentation. Microbe needs to be there in disease, absent in healthy. Put into healthy individual, should cause disease. Microbes don"t cause same symptoms in every host. Prior infection can change the disease symptoms. Can"t always cause that disease in other humans. Not all strains cause the same disease. Some pathogenic microbes are present and don"t cause disease. Vaccines and decrease in microbes and disease symptoms. Antimicrobials and decrease in microbes and disease symptoms. Decrease in exposure and decrease in microbes and disease symptoms. Correlate a specific gene to the disease. Vegetative = replicating and metabolically active form. Spore = nonreplicating, more durable, usually the transmitted form. Flagella is made of flagellin, is very antigenic so only made when needed. Avoid attachment of siga by changing surface proteins or secreting siga proteases. Coat surface with negative charges or secrete proteases. Stop phagosome from combining with the lysosome - make pcv (incubator)