HUN 2201 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Essential Amino Acid, Essential Fatty Acid, Allergen

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Terms to know; definitions, limitations and specific circumstances if any for use of the term. If applicable learn the classifications and examples: allergy. Definition- an adverse reaction involving the immune system that results from exposure to a specific allergen; the immune system sees a food protein as an allergen. Most common food allergies- peanuts, tree nuts, fish, soy, wheat, milk, eggs: avidin. Definition- a protein found in raw eggs that binds to biotin, preventing its absorption: beriberi. Definition- the disease resulting from a deficiency of thiamin. Extreme weakness and disease are the earliest symtoms. Rare in n. america, occurs in alcoholics: bioavailability of vitamins. Definition- a general term describing how well a nutrient can be absorbed and used by the body: complementary proteins. Definition- combining proteins from different sources so that they collectively provide the proportions of amino acids required to meet the body"s needs: limiting aa (amino acid)