HUN 2201 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Retinoic Acid Receptor, Female Athlete Triad, Retinol

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Document Summary

Chapters 9, 10 (only part about water), 11, 12 and lectures (only, do not need to look at book) about. Terms to know; definitions, limitations and specific circumstances if any for use of the term. If applicable learn the classifications and examples: chemical symbols of all minerals we discussed, female athlete triad, hydrolysis reaction, myofibrillar and mitochondrial proteins, osmosis, pica, polarity of water: minerals. An element needed by the body in small amounts for structure and to regulate chemical reactions and body processes: female athlete triad. The combination of disordered low energy availability, amenorrhea, and osteoporosis that occurs in some female athletes particularly those involved in sports that value low body weight and appearance: hydrolysis reaction. Chemical reaction that breaks large molecules into smaller ones by adding water. Water is added in the reaction that breaks a molecule of maltose into two glucose molecules: myofibrillar proteins. Leads to increased strength and hypertrophy: mitochondrial protein.