POSC240 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Free Syrian Army, War On Terror, Jus Ad Bellum

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21 Feb 2016

Document Summary

Exam 3: intro to global politics: discuss why major nations what not intervened in syria. Explain just war theory and circumstances under which the us could wage a just war in syria. Explain key terms and criteria and discuss if and how each of these criteria can be applied in the case of syria. Just war theory is a type of international law governing the use of force and the core of the international legal system. It is broken down into two parts: jus ad bellum which dictates when war is allowed and jus in bello outlines appropriate conduct in war. The case with syria was primarily focus on the first part of this: jus ad bellum. There are two parts of this that will need to reach certain criteria. First just cause which says that there are only three reasons to go to war: self-defense from wrongful attack or imminent threat, reclaiming territory, and in to punish horrible acts.