HDFS201- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 134 pages long!)

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Socially - wouldn"t want to go anywhere, wouldn"t be as social; you"re going to be angry, people will avoid you; change your activities and how happy you are. Psychologically - would relate to the other people with stones in their shoes, mad at the people without stones in their shoes; will think people are always staring at you because you"re walking funny, people will think you"re different. Dad treats mom; more children, more complicated; if one part of the system leaves, it also has an effect. Developmentalists are good at this; relatively easy to do. Based on observation; descriptive component of human development - what are the milestones/what does it look like: explain development (why you are the way you are) in professional terms. Observations don"t explain themselves so you have to move theories to get to explanation - why theories are important: predict development (what you may become, given what and where you are now)