CHEM103 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Zirconium, Lead, Diamagnetism

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Arranged elements in order of increasing mass: could predict undiscovered elements. Electron spin: a property of an electron that is loosely related to its spin about an axis, two electron spin states are allowed, which are described by the quantum number ms, with values of + or - . Sublevel energy splitting in multielectron atoms: with hydrogen, all orbitals of the same energy level have the same energy (degenerate), 3s, 3p, 3d, 3f. Hydrogen vs. other elements: with multiple electrons, the different sublevels (shapes) have different energies. Coulomb"s law q = charges, r = distance. Electron 1 and 2 have strong attraction. Electron 3 feels less attraction: factor 3. Electron configurations for multielectron atoms: be able to write out in long form and with noble gas shortcut, be able to draw the orbital diagrams (filling rules) Hund"s rule: when filling degenerate orbitals, electrons fill singly first with parallel spins. Fill lowest energy orbitals first, then build up.