CHEM 135 Chapter Notes - Chapter 8: Core Electron, Pauli Exclusion Principle, Isoelectronicity

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Pumps in the cell membranes are working hard to pump sodium and potassium in opposite ways through the body. Creates a chemical gradient for each ion: the concentration of sodium is higher outside the cell than within. Both ions are cations of group 1a metals. The size difference between the two atoms helps to distinguish which one should pass through. Periodic property: one that is predictable based on an element"s position within the periodic table. Credited primarily to the russian chemist dmitri mendeleev. Arranged the elements according to mass from left to right. Later, found that listing the elements according to atomic number resulted in even better correlation with elemental properties. The periodic table is just an expression of periodic law, a quantum-mechanical theory. Electron configuration: shows the particular orbitals that electrons occupy for that atom. The effects of electron spin: a fundamental property of all electrons that affects the number of electrons allowed in one orbital.