BILD 3 Study Guide - Final Guide: Ecosystem Diversity, Resistance 3, Genetic Diversity

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28 Jun 2016

Document Summary

Conservation biology: define biodiversity and three ways of measuring it, biodiversity is the diversity of biological species, the three ways in measuring biodiversity is genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity b. i. Genetic diversity comprises not only the individual genetic variation within a population, but also the genetic variation between populations that is often associated with adaptations to local conditions b. ii. Species diversity is the variety of species in an ecosystem or across the biosphere b. iii. Ecosystem diversity is the variety of the biosphere"s ecosystem. Identify ways in which biodiversity helps human health: many species that are threatened could potentially provide medicines, food, and fibers for human use, making biodiversity a crucial natural resource a. i. Products from aspirin to antibiotics were originally derived from natural sources a. ii. Examples of ecosystems services are a. i. 1. a. i. 2. a. i. 3. Reducing the impacts of extreme weather and flooding a. ii.