NURS 3100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vitamin K2, Cirrhosis, Melanoma

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24 Jan 2017

Document Summary

Rdas : separating the nutrients from the nonsense. Manufacturers come up with a lot of nonsense in terms of things that will jump out at you. Ex: a fatty acid that cannot be synthesized. (essential - means we must have it) Factors that we use to make an overall assessment of a patient. Might be omitting a food group, need to compensate for that. Helping patients find ways to be more physically active to offset body weight related issues. Getting everything we need to support immune system and bodily functions necessary to live. Measuring where adipose tissue would be, make assessment of percent of body fat, how is the patient doing in terms of skeletal muscle mass. Test can vary between who assesses it. Clinical setting, focused on weight, height, bmi. Place electrodes at various places and measure the difference. Measure the amount of calories a patient is burning. Basic amount of energy your body uses naturally.