NURS 3100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia, Vitamin A Deficiency, Alpha-Carotene

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Understand optimal components of nutritional assessment and nutritional intake guidelines for individuals and populations. Develop an ability to evaluate the nutritional value of a food using the food label. Develop knowledge for accessing and utilizing national nutrition and physical activity guidelines. Must be supplied in food: specific deficiency disease states are associated with these nutrients. Essential means we must have it, it is essential because of these factors. History: what illnesses they have had or that run in their family. Need to compensate: poverty or food insecurity. Inadequate calories and access to food groups: access to fresh foods depending on where you live, drug and alcohol use. Sometimes substitute foods and diets: diet. Anthropometrics: height, weight, skinfold thickness (triceps, subscapular) Measure thickness where adipose tissue would be and calculate the percent of body fat they have. Determine skeletal muscle mass and are they breaking that down for energy (problematic: bioelectric impedance. Interacts electrical current with water in skeletal muscle.