SPA 3123 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Categorical Perception, Coarticulation, Aphasia

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18 Aug 2016

Document Summary

In order to be understood by a listener. An acoustic theory of speech production that states a sound energy source is modified by the filter characteristics of the vocal tract. Refers to all of the throat above the vf including the oral cavity. Closer related to vowels because the vocal tract is not obstructed. (semivowels- liquids & glides and nasals) Produced by restricting or occluding the airstream (fricatives, stops, affricates) Mouth is not shut and airstream is not completely stopped. Produced with the mouth completely closed, atleast for a brief moment. Begin like a stop with complete closure of vocal tract, and then released into a fricative. sounds: beige and ch. Some sounds are more acoustically stable than others /i/, /a/, /u/ Voiced sounds are made by the vf vibrating periodic while voiceless is basically air passing through the mouth. Vowels have an open vocal tract and are always voice.