SPA 3123 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Fundamental Frequency, Spectrogram, Voice-Onset Time

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Speech is a highly specialized form of sound with the requirement of being both ___ & ___ rapid & reliable. To underscore its rapidity, speech can be understood at rates approaching _____ faster than any other code. To underscore its reliability, it has been estimated that speech is approximately ____ ____ A lot of sounds we easily produce are not used in languages partly because they may not be well suited for _____ perception. They are easy enough to produce, but perhaps much harder to hear reliably. Speech is ___ by a speaker in order to be ___ by a listener produced perceived. A ___ __ has not occurred until speech is also understood by a listener speech act. Theory of speech perception based on association that proposes speech perception is based on its production motor theory. Almost always produced with the vocal folds vibrating. /i/ (ee) what is the order of descending vowel height i (pea)