PSY BEH 104S Study Guide - Final Guide: Dont, Solomon Asch, Elaboration Likelihood Model

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Attitudes are our evaluations of people, objects, and ideas. Emotional or value based attitudes; feelings on issues, etc. Based on our observations of how people behave towards something or how we behave towards something. Daryl"s self-perception theory: under certain circumstances, we look towards our behaviors to decide how we feel about something. Remember the example about the runner who thinks they like to run because you don"t have super strong feelings and someone asked if they liked it. Things we have that we don"t recognize. Might show we actually have prejudice but we are not consciously aware of them. Explored attitudes towards asian: went to the hotels with asian couple and only one hotel refused service. Wrote letter to ask all the hotels if they would serve them, only one said yes, even though basically all of them had let them in! There is a lack of correspondence between attitudes and behavior; attitudes not always predicted by behaviors.