[EDUC 106] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (137 pages long)

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1 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Primary grades: developmental view of student characteristics. Stage 1: k-grade 2: compliant and eager to please teachers. Short attention span and restless: require close supervision. Break rules because of forgetfulness: need rules and procedures to be explicitly taught , practiced and reinforced. Are very literal and answer questions very literally and at face value. Increasingly independent, but still want approval and affection from teachers: understand need for rules and enjoy participating in making rules. Know how far they can push: need rules to be reviewed and consistently and impartially enforced. Ages: up to 4 years: children show no concern for or understand of social rules and conventions, children are very uid in their rules. Ages: 4 to 7 years: children view rules as moral absolutes. The rules are etched in stone and cannot be broken: understand causes and consequences, understand the meaning of rules and following through with the rules.