BIO 112 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: East African Rift, Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus

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13 Jun 2017

Document Summary

Adaptive radiation of primates: there was warm moist climate 55 mya, tropical forests widespread. Key innovation for arboreal habitat: eyes in front of the head (stereoscopic vision), grasping hands (opposable thumbs) Evergreen rainforests to the west (chimps and apes) Savannah woodlands to the east (homo, australopithecus, ardipithecus) Became closer to jaw and jaw was shortened. Greater angle between femur and top of knee. Ball joint directly above outside the knee, making greater angle between femur and top of knee. Toes became straighter and no longer grasped, big toe parallel to others. Human evolution is bush-like, not a ladder. Canines were an intermediate between chimps and humans. 3. 2 mya, in northern east african rift valley. Knee joint was slightly angled but not as much has humans. Earliest known member of genus homo, based on larger brain size and reduced molars and premolars. First hominid to leave africa, migrated to asia and east europe. Evolution of different body parts at different rates.