BIO 110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Mitosis, Telophase, Allolactose

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23 Jan 2017

Document Summary

Binds to ice crystals and prevents them from growing: mucins. Have carb chain attached to protein, helps extend the molecule. Contains disulfide bonds (cysteine molecules) which makes the molecule extensive. Dimerization domain in the center, which makes it a long strand. Small globular regions causes hydrophobic effect to occur and expels water molecules: hemoglobin. T state-tense (low ph, high co2, low o2) Before hemo reaches lungs, it is in the t state i. ii: when first oxygen binds to hemo, it reaches the r state, when it goes into the muscles, it becomes t to release the oxygen. R state-relaxed (high ph, high co2, low o2) i. ii. Hco3- is formed in presence of co2, which lowers ph and causes extra. H+ ion to float around: when there is a lot of co2, there are a lot of h+ ions then which lowers iii. iv. ph. Low ph puts the hemo in the t state.