GEO 101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Monocline, Unconformity, Epicenter

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Study guide: drawing and reading contour lines, deformation- put the rock units and unconformities in order from oldest to youngest, be able to identify faults and structures that we did in lab. Overturned anticline: know the three main types of waves: primary, secondary, and. Surface waves: be able to identify the seismic phase of waves. This was the exercise we did where you followed the wave from the epicenter to the corresponding letter on the surface. An example answer would be something like: pkikp: additional material. Using the appropriate letters, identify the seismic phase of the waves for letter __________ . (you might block out whichever letters you don"t want to use and/or highlight the wave path you want them to use. ) J direct downgoing p- and s-wave raypaths upgoing p- and s-wave raypaths reflection at the core-mantle boundary. P-wave travel through inner core reflection at inner core-outer core boundary.