01:460:101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: San Andreas Fault, Syncline, Seismic Wave

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The strike of a rock layer is: the compass direction of a horizontal line formed by the intersection of an inclined plane and a horizontal plane. Folding occurs when rocks behave as: ductile solids. When rocks are under a compressional stress, they will: all of these occur under compression. In a syncline, the youngest rocks will be found: in the center of the fold. In a syncline, all rock layers: dip toward the fold axis. In an anticline, the youngest rock layers: are found on the limbs of the fold. In a plunging anticline: the fold axis is dipping. A structural basin is a special case of: a syncline. A fault is observed where the hanging wall is displaced upward relative to the footwall: this is a reverse fault. The san andreas fault is an example of: a strike slip fault. Faults with both vertical and horizontal displacement are called: oblique faults.