PSY 1001- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 28 pages long!)

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Personality peoples typical ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Unconscious motivation- there is a vast uncharted area of the psyche submerged underwater. Social learning theory- theories that emphasize thinking as a cause of personality. Humanistic theory- theories that emphasize the development of human potential and the belief that human nature is basically positive. Trait theory- our traits make up our personality. Sigmund freud- believed that mental disorders were physiologically caused, most influential figures in psych. Id- reservoir of our most primitive impulses, including sex and aggression. Defense mechanisms- unconscious maneuvers intended to minimize anxiety: Repression- motivated forgetting of emotionally threatening memories or impulses. Denial- refusal to acknowledge current events in our lives. Regression- act of returning psychologically to a younger, simpler, safer age. Reaction-formation- transformation of anxiety-provoking emotion into its opposite. Projection- unconscious attribute of our negative characteristics to others. Displacement- directing an impulse from a socially unacceptable target onto a safer target.