VTPP 425 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Deep Vein Thrombosis, Aspirin, Compression Stockings

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Ionized drugs have low lipid solubility and do not cross cell membranes. Nonionized drugs have high lipid solubility and cross cell membranes. Sustained-released tablets and capsules: cannot be crushed or dissolved, contain several doses of a particular drug, diltiazem is an example, released into digestive system gradually. Houston, texas became known the city of syrup after the conviction of 6 pharmacists for improper, illegal distribution of 2500 gallons of codeine cough syrup for the production of purple drank . Acids: strong acids: low ph = 3, low pka = 3, weak acids: high ph = 13, high pka = 13. Bases: strong bases: high ph = 13, high pka =13, weak bases: low ph = 3, low pka = 3. When ph = pka, then the drug is half ionized and half nonionized.