BIO 105 Study Guide - Final Guide: Particle Swarm Optimization, Swarm Intelligence, Swarm Behaviour

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8 Dec 2016

Document Summary

Bio 105 study guide for exam 4 de nitions. Zone of repulsion: move away from others, maintain certain distant. Zone of orientation: move with others in the same direction. Zone of attraction: move towards others, to form a group. Swarm: large dense mass of individuals, no centralized leadership, ind operate same. Parallel group: individuals highly aligned seem to act as one. Emergent behavior: when a group behaves in a way that was not programmed into its individuals. Altruism: behavior of an animal that bene ts another at its own expense. Inclusive tness: includes your offspring and those of your relatives. Intelligence: ability to solve problems, produce appropriate behavior. Species: group of interbreeding organisms that produce viable offspring, accumulate diff features and behaviors. Interaction: contact among species either directly or indirectly. Mutualism : both species gain tness beneifts, very common, Parasitism: one species partially feeds on the other, most common interaction.