BIO 208 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Motor Neuron, Muscle Spindle, Myocyte

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Motor neuron discharge and the code for muscle contraction: how muscle does the physical work commanded by the nervous system. Moving the joints: requires coordinated action of flexor and extensor muscles at that joint: activate muscles in a specific manner, cause joint to either flex or extend, joints moved by reciprocal muscle action (not random) on joints: Muscle structure: a muscle contains many muscle fibers that each receive innervation from the spinal cord. Segmental organization of the innervation of the body musculature. Activation of muscle fibers by motor neurons: strong synapses so each action potential in the motor axon results in an action potential in the muscle fiber on which it synapses (diff from cns that are weaker) The motor unit: motor neuron, axons, and all the muscle fibers it innervates. Not all muscles require nervous system activation in order to contract: voluntary striated skeletal muscle requires neural activation whereas smooth and cardiac muscle can contract independently of the cns.