BIO 203 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Respiratory Failure, Hyperglycemia, Skeletal Muscle

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Signal transduction- the transfer of a signal from the outside environment to the internal environment. Cellular processes can change in response to both chemical and electrical signaling. The chemical that interacts with the receptor is called a ligand or 1st messenger. Both endogenous (produced in organism) and exogenous (produced outside) ligands can activate receptors. The specific cellular response to the ligand are determined by the receptor/ not by the ligand. The chemical message is relayed within the cell and translated into a cellular change using positive feedback. G protiens membrane proteins that interact with gpcr. Ligand binding causes conformational change in both the receptor and the g protein. Contain 3 subunits alpha, beta, gamma that dissociate when activated. Alpha subunit drops gdp and picks up gtp when activated. Different subunits are active in different signaling pathways. G- protein coupled receptor machr, not found in skeletal muscle. G protein activation leads to direct activation of a different ion channel.