01:920:340 Final: [01:920:340] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 30 pages long Study Guide!

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Four components of sexual intelligence: understanding self, having interpersonal sexual skills and integrity. This is more geared to trans people: having consideration of the cultural context. Where you grow up or live is the culture that is either accepting or not of different sexualities. Sexual intelligence, is the abilities help us make responsible decision in sexual behavior. Psychosocial approach: combination of psychological and social factors: psychological factors: emotions, attitudes, motivations, social conditioning factors: process with which we learn our social norms, biological factors: hormones, nervous system, genetics, etc. The united states: many factors contribute to diverse sexual attitudes and behaviors in the united states. Varying degrees of education and socioeconomic status. Islam is the world"s fastest-growing religion: muslims adhere to the teachings of muhammad, belief that sex should be enjoyed by both sexes, women are view as inherently sexual. oppression of women and sexual restrictions stem from patriarchal cultural traditions and fundamentalist sects, not from religion and qur"an teachings.