01:920:340 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vaginal Lubrication, Bisexuality, Neotantra

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50 multiple choice and or true/false questions, worth 1 point each. Understand how kissing is view culturally and globally. Identify which one of the senses dominate sexual intimacy. Identify african people behavior towards oral sex: aphrodisiacs: substances believed to arouse sexual desire or increase capacity for sexual activity. Ex: food, drugs: no clear evidence of a genuine aphrodisiacs qualities. Identify and understand kaplan 3-stage model of sexual response: desire, excitement, orgasm. Identify and understand masters and johnson"s model of sexual response: 4-phase model. Understand older women sexual behavior and sexual satisfaction level: response cycle continues but with decreased intensity. Excitement: vaginal lubrication beings more slowly, reduced amount. Understand older men and the orgasm phase. Define and understand celibacy: complete celibacy: individual does not engage in masturbation or interpersonal sexual contact, partial celibacy: individual does not engage in interpersonal sexual contact but engages in masturbation, reasons for celibacy: Define and understand nocturnal orgasm: nocturnal orgasm: involuntary orgasm during sleep.