[01:119:115] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes fot the exam (26 pages long!)

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Lecture 23 - animal behavior: understanding behavior. Behavior is: action carried out by muscles under control of nervouse system, adaptations that aid survival, product of natural selection on phenotype, maximizes fitness. Behavioral ecology: study of the ecological and evolutionary basis for animal behavior. Understanding any behavior requires answering 4 questions: How a behavior occurs or is modified: immediate environmental stimulus for behavior, internal physiological mechanisms of response, how do animal"s experiences influence response, ultimate causation. Hy a behavior occurs in the context of natural selection. Sensory input - stimulus that triggers behavior. Unlearned behavior in response to a sign stimulus. Once initiated (cid:314) several steps carried to completion: migration. Position of sun or circadian clock (24 hour clock) Lack of resources in winter drives them south: behavioral rhythms. Many behaviors occur at regular intervals linked to tight and dark cycle. Crepuscular - most active at dawn or dusk or both. Ex: breeding behaviors, migration, and hibernation: signals and communication.