BIO 212 Midterm: Objectives of Blood and Homeostasis

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Objectives of blood and homeostasis: describe the general characteristics of blood (viscosity, color, volumes. ) Color: oxygenated is bright red, deoxygenated is darker red (maroon) Temp: body temp + 1 = blood temp. Plasma concentration: relative concentration of solutes (?: describe the components of blood. Formed elements: rbcs, wbcs and platelets = 45% Plasma: 55: understand the overall functions of blood. Protection: highways for immune system: describe the constituents of plasma including the functions of the plasma proteins. 92% water (liquid layer): suspends formed elements ~so they float~ 1% dissolved in/organic molecules and ions fxn: buffers against ph changes. ex) electrolytes, nutrients, gases waste functions of the plasma proteins. Regulatory proteins: enzymes, some hormones (cid:523)ex: insulin(cid:524) . police: discuss the importance of homeostasis. Stimuli > receptor > control center > effector. Regulates such processes as blood pressure (baroreceptors) and oxygenation in the blood (chemoreceptors). controlled by homeostatic reflexes: describe the production of the formed element (hematopoiesis. )