BIO 102L Study Guide - Final Guide: Genital Papilla, Urogenital Opening, Umbilical Cord

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Week 1 Fetal Pig Terms
1. Cranial- head
2. Caudal - tail end
3. Transverse- divides the body into superior and inferior sections
4. Sagittal- splits the body into left and right halves
5. Frontal- splits the body into front and back halves
6. Ventral- belly or bottom
7. Dorsal- top or back
8. Abdomen- contains digestive organs
9. Mammary papilla- nipple- on the belly
10. Urogenital opening- where bodily waste and reproductive fluids are expelled
- Female: near anus
- Male: below umbilical cord
11. Scrotum- sac in the male reproductive system near anus
12. Superior- above
13. Inferior- below
14. Anterior- front
15. Posterior- back
16. Distal- far away
17. Proximal- close
18. Thorax- between neck and abdomen which includes the ribs
19. Umbilical Cord- A flexible cordlike structure containing blood vessels and attaching a
human or other mammalian fetus to the placenta during gestation.
20. Genital Papilla- part of female external genitalia not present in humans, which appears as
a small, fleshy flap of tissue. The papilla covers the opening of the vagina covers
urogenital opening
21. Anus- the opening at the end of the alimentary canal through which solid waste matter
leaves the body
1. Tongue and papillae- contain taste buds
2. Nares- nostrils
3. Glottis- opening to the larynx consisting of the vocal cords
4. Hard Palate- front part of the roof of the mouth- separates oral and nasal cavity allows
mammals to ear and breath at the same time
5. Soft Palates- back part of the roof of the mouth - allows mammals to ear and breath at the
same time
6. Epiglottis - a flap of cartilage at the root of the tongue, which is depressed during
swallowing to cover the opening of the windpipe.
7. Nasopharynx- connects to the nostrils
Digestive System
1. Absorption- occurs in small intestine
2. Digestion- is the breakdown of large insoluble food molecules into small water-soluble
food molecules so that they can be absorbed into the watery blood plasma
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Document Summary

The papilla covers the opening of the vagina covers urogenital opening: anus- the opening at the end of the alimentary canal through which solid waste matter leaves the body. It is a gland organ in the digestive and endocrine system. It is both an endocrine gland producing several important hormones, including insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin, as well as an exocrine gland, secreting pancreatic juice containing digestive enzymes that pass to the small intestine. These enzymes help to further break down the carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids in the chyme: spleen- not part of the digestive system; it helps filter the pig"s blood. Wrap around the heart make sure heart is receiving proper blood and nutrients. Seminal vesicles, bulbourethral glands, preputial gland secrete alkaline fluids that neutralize vagina acidity, promote sperm motility, assist in lubrication. Penis secretes semen into vagina where it meets the egg. Oviduct receives egg at ovulation (site of fertilization)