EEOB 2520 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Respiratory Alkalosis, Tidal Volume, Hypotension

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Eq #3 co2+h2o = hco3- (polar, makes it soluble) + h. With trade off we created h+ which will cause ph change. Plasma is buffered system (have a glass that is buffered but pour acid in it, the ph will change very little, it will look like no change. Bicarbonate is made largely because of our blood. Venous ph < arterial ph (tissues are where we make co2) Tidal volume can increase as we need more oxygen in and more co2 out, but we need to change ventilation rate. Po2 : critical for us to make more atp. H+; not too high and not too low: hco3-, not enough oxygen available tissues switch over to anaerobic (glycolysis). Extreme method to get blood ph back to normal. Problems with gas transport: ventilation issues: breathe too little or too much. (co2 issues)