COM 339 Quiz: COM339 quiz 3 study guide.docx

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Document Summary

Appreciate or be familiar with - be able to recognize the answer in mc. Know -be able to recall the answer in a fill-in-the blank, list-item, matching or true/false. Understand -be able to show your grasp of the material by discussing the concepts in an essay. Increased ownership, responsibility and sense of purpose: broadens knowledge and experience. e. Increased affiliation and identification: limitations- promotes values of, the pioneering spirit b. When members like and respect one another, the tendency to agree is greater. (4) understand the concept of a hidden agenda and the effects it can have on a team: hidden agenda-personal goals that aren"t made public a. Not always harmful rather it can sometimes be beneficial (5) know the five stages of team development: forming, storming, norming, performing, reforming (6) know the three problem types. Teams must decide what type of problem they are dealing with.