COM 339 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Communication, High High, Bes

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Document Summary

Appreciate or be familiar with - be able to recognize the answer in mc. Know -be able to recall the answer in a fill-in-the blank, list-item, matching or true/false. Understand -be able to show your grasp of the material by discussing the concepts in an essay. Where: speaks in sentences and paragraphs, completes sentences and paragraphs. 1: strengths- am i in control, alternative solutions, organized, conservative, procedural, weaknesses- i may overlook, novel ideas, big picture (3) be able to decide when a meeting is necessary. Only call a meeting when the following questions can be answered with yes . Is there more than one decision or solution: are misunderstandings or reservations likely? (7) understand the purpose of using a parking lot and actions chart. The purpose of both is that they allow meetings to stay on topic and provide a way to control conversations.