PSYC 2040 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Attitude Change, Role Theory, Minority Influence

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2 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Conformity- a change in behavior or belief as result of real or imagined group pressure: acts in accordance with others. Individualism/independent society- western: a 12 person jury is more likely to result in hung jury than 6 person jury. Conformity-group pressure and obedience- authority figure: factors affecting obedience- Pain cues reduce obedience!: empathetic cues. Obedience is high when the authority figure is. Obedience is high when authority figure is near remote location of the victim allows you to focus on the task. We bind with authority w/ practice (practice fallowing orders) Who creditability is important to get the message across. Sleeper effect over time, people forget about the source if the source was unliked - sleep on it . What primacy effect when you remember words at the beginning of a list. Recency effect when you remember words at the end of a list. Use of fear in the message moderate levels of fear are most effective.