MKT 3421 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fot, Pome, Pwn

63 views2 pages
27 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Exam #1 information fall 2014: review sheet. Page 20 - review marketing, marketing concept, and product issues. Page 22 - review promotional push and pull strategies and examples. Page 26 - review the differences between marcom vs. imc. Page 30-32 - review the differences between branding, branding strategies, and brands. Page 32 - review the differences between episodic and semantic memory and how they relate to the cognitive map. Notes - related to the above on cognitive mapping, review the three strategies companies can implement to influence consumer attitudes. Page 34 - review brand equity, value propositions and brand parity. Pages 34-35 review the benefits of brands for the buyer and manufacturer. Pages 47 - 48 - review the basic definition of advertising and how it has evolved with examples, what the authors mean by. There is a fundamental change in the advertising vehicles themselves as media and technology converge .