MATH 205 Final: MATH 205 KSU Final Exam s03

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Use the back of the page as sketch paper. For full credit, show your work in detail. Total 200 pg 1 pg2 pg3 pg4 pg5 pg6 pg7 pg8 pg9. A , 000 machine depreciates linearly down to zero in 10 years, nd the formula for its value y as a function of time x (in year). Calculate the derivatives for following functions. (a). f (x) = (5 + x)2/3 (b). f (x) = x(ex 1) (c). f (x) = ln(cid:18) x x + 3(cid:19). (hint: use the property ln a b. Find the equation of the line tangent to the graph of the function y = x ln x at x = 1. (you do not have to draw the graph. ) page 2. If time, t, is in hours and the concentration c of the ca eine remains in body for a large cup of co ee is given by. Find the critical point of c(t). (b 7pts).