MATH 205 Final: MATH 205 KSU Final Exam f04

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Use the back of the page as sketch paper. For full credit, show your work in detail. Total 200 pg 1 pg2 pg3 pg4 pg5 pg6 pg7 pg8. Find the derivative of y = 3t5 5 t + Find derivatives of following functions: p = (1 + ln x)0. 5, p = te5 2t, z = Find the equation of the tangent line to the graph of f (x) = 2x at x = 1. page 2. Let f (x) = x2 18 ln x. (a. 6pts). Find a critical point of f (x) in the interval 1 x 5. (b. Find the global maximum and minimum of f (x) over the interval 1 x 5 (show your work. ) The demand for mango (a tropical fruit) is given by q = 1500 20p2 where q is in pound and p is the price of mango/per pound. P if q(p, q) = 5q2p 3qp3. (b.