ANTH-B 200 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Georges Cuvier, Comparative Anatomy, Uniformitarianism

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Question #1: explain what natural selection is and how it works (what are darwin"s postulates and why would they lead to natural selection?). Provide a detailed example from lecture, your readings, or your previous knowledge to illustrate how natural selection works (how the example relates to the postulates). Variation - there is a lot of variety within a species. Differential survival - external conditions can affect survival. Extinction - some traits are not suited to survival and those with them will die out. Question #2: there were many people who influenced darwin"s development of his theory of evolution through natural selection. Malthus was an economist and his ideas about overpopulation, disease, and the struggle to survive influenced darwin: charles lyell influenced darwin. Lyell was a geologist who came up with the idea of uniformitarianism, which means that the same processes that were at work in the past are at work in the present.