ANTH-B 200 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Edward Tyson, Melanism, James Ussher

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Covers lectures 1-5 (except portion of lecture 3 that we did not cover (slides 36-53) and portion of lecture 5 that we did not cover (slides 21-29)), the associated assigned readings, exercise 1, and the in-class essay 1. Bring a pencil and a calculator to the exam (which is held during our normal class time in our usual classroom on monday, sept. Exam review will be held during your normal section meeting times during the week of sept 16th: anthropology (including subfields what do we study?) Cultural anthropology: variations in cultural behaviors among human populations and individuals. Culture is learned behavior, transmitted from person to person, including (but not limited to) social systems, economic systems, marriage customs, religion, & philosophy. Anything transmitted via learning rather than instinct: archaeology: study of cultural behaviors in the historic and prehistoric past through analysis of the culture"s material remains (artifacts and modifications of the environment).