ANTH-B 200 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Stereopsis, Dentition, Strepsirrhini

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Covers lectures 7 10 (but not life history trade-offs, which is covered in slides 35-45 of lecture 10), associated assigned readings, and section material. Grasping: digits designed to wrap around trees, expanded tactile pads, nails as protection, numerous nerve endings in fingertips helps bring food to mouth. Reduced reliance on olfaction: smaller snouts than non primates like rats and wolves. Increased reliance on sight: binocular stereoscopic vision & color vision. Binocular stereoscopic vision: overlapping fields of vision(binocular) with both sides of brain receiving images from both eyes depth perception. Color vision: useful for detecting objects in moderate contrast environment(forest/ jungle), especially in daytime. Used for election of mates, showing mood, identifying food. Nocturnal: these primates don"t have much color vision, no need because hard to distinguish color in low light. Large/ specialized brain: large brain for body size (especially visual portion), enlarged regions w/ intelligence, learning & motor control/coordination. Increased growth period, reduction in litter size: facilitates learning.