BSC 197 Study Guide - Final Guide: Neutrophil, Myoglobin, B-Cell Receptor

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What are ectotherms and some ways that they regulate body temperature. What are endotherms and speci c physiological responses to cold and heat. What is torpor and two speci c examples. The three types of organisms as de ned by their diets, what each eats, and some physiological and anatomical adaptations for each type of diet. The three basic components of animal diets. The four steps of obtaining nutrition (ingestion, digestion, absorption, elimination) The organs, tissue, and steps in the digestive process of humans including: The mouth, salivary glands, epiglottis and glottis, the stomach, the small intestine, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder, the large intestine and appendix. The difference between an open and closed circulatory system and the uids they use. The structure and function of components of the circulatory system including: The movement of blood through the human cardiovascular system. Where most exchange of material takes place with respect to the circulatory system.