BIO 122 Study Guide - Fall 2018, Comprehensive Midterm Notes - Dna, Gene, Enzyme

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BIO 122
Fall 2018
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Objectives Week 1
o All organisms are made of cells
o Where cells come from
Preexisting cells
o What a hypothesis is
Testable statement
o What a null hypothesis means
What u are trying to prove wrong
o What phylogeny means and the tree of life
Genealogical relationships between species with common ancestor
o emergent properties
a property which a collection or complex system has, but which the
individual members do not have
o what prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are
pro - no nucleus
eu - membrane bound nucleus
o the components of a prokaryotic cell
o what an organelle refers to and what a cellular structure refers to
organelle membrane bound compartment with unique structure and fn
o the components of a eukaryotic cell (animal and plant)
o Cell theory
Pattern all organisms composed of cells
Process all cells come from cells
o That life evolved over time
Through natural selection
o How the concept of emergent properties applies to life at different levels
o How an experiment will test a predicted outcome
Control and experimental groups
o That hypotheses must be testable to be true hypotheses
o The importance of controls; the difference between negative and positive controls
Give you something to compare results to
Negative when nothing should happen
Positive when something should happen
o Understand why repetition is important
Prove it will always happen
o Science is cyclical… the best questions will lead to answers that lead to more
o how cellular component structure goes with function
organelles give more efficiency in larger cells and organisms
o Design an experiment to test a given hypothesis
o Generate a hypothesis based on observations and predicted outcomes
o Identify controls within an experiment
o Name the components of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and explain their
Nucleus stores dna
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Cytoplasm within membrane
Mitochondria - powerhouse
plasma membrane
perioxosome h202
golgi -
smooth er catalyzes rxns
rough er - ribsomes
cytoskeletal structure - structure
ribosome creates proteins
chloroplast store energy
cell wall - structure
vacuole removal of waste
lysosome removal of waste
centrioles dna stuff
Prokaryotic only
Nucleoid region - dna
Cytoplasm - fluid
Ribosome - protein
Appendages - movement
Cell wall - structure
Plasma membrane -
Plasmid - dna
Chromosome - dna
o elements of life
cells and organization
energy use and metabolism
regulation and homeostasis
reproduction and replication
o that water is polar and creates hydrogen bonds
o hydrophobic vs hydrophilic and polar vs nonpolar molecules
phobic nonpolar, insoluble in water
phyllic - polar
o what molarity refers to
o the different common functional groups by name, structure, and common function
amino, carboxyl, carbonyl, hydroxyl, phosphate, sulfhydryl
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