HSCI 337 Midterm: Study Guide test 2 health

231 views7 pages
11 May 2017

Document Summary

Blast from the past: hunger is physiological, appetite is psychological. Monosaccharide- simple sugar promote teeth decay: glucose, fructose, galactose. Disaccharides double sugar : class of sugar formed by chemically linking two monosaccharides (destroy in water: sucrose = glucose + fructose, maltose = glucose + galactose, lactose = glucose + glucose. Polysaccharides- complex carbohydrate"s: starch- can be broken into maltose, fiber- can"t be broken down only found in plants. Diverticula- pouches that protrude though the exterior wall of the large intestines: common, especially after 40. When you have diverticula, the condition is known as diverticulosis. Diverticulosis- the condition of having many diverticula in the large intestine. Hormone that correct hypoglycemia? (low blood sugar: glucagon. Insoluble / nonfermentable fiber a fiber that is not easily metabolized by intestinal bacteria: fiber that mostly do not dissolve in water and are not fermented by intestinal bacteria, decrease constipation.