BIO 227 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: California Condor, Mariana Crow, Habitat Destruction

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10 Sep 2016

Document Summary

Concept list: quiz 3 (covering material since exam 2) This is intended as a guide to the major concepts presented to date. If there"s something here you don"t know or isn"t familiar, you should check your notes, talk to your fellow students, or see me at office hours. I"ve tried to make this as detailed as possible, but there"s no guarantee that every vocab word or concept is on this list. You should understand specific terms, general concepts, and have a basic familiarity with certain examples and case studies noted in lecture. What is meant by a species being recovered. Self sustaining population, resumed their ecological roles, fully functional members of their ecological community. Key steps to recovery: document that the species is truly declining, study its basic ecology and natural history, identify the factors causing its decline, address or correct these factors. Be able to calculate the two ways (mark recapture and area based sampling) to estimate populations.