CAS PH 150- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 14 pages long!)

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Introduction to ethics | quiz #1 study guide. Socrates argues that justice is intrinsically good, and that the just man is better off than the unjust man. He also argues that just actions promote harmony of the soul. This argument differs from glaucon"s theory of justice because glaucon believes that justice is extrinsically good as well as against our best interest. The ring of gyges is a mythical artifact that grants its owner the power to become invisible at will, allowing its owner to do whatever he pleases without consequence. Glaucon brings it up to prove that we don"t strive to do what is right because we think justice is intrinsically good, but only because we are afraid of being punished. The unjust man lies, cheats, steals, kills and torments, but he has a perfect reputation; everyone thinks he is morally excellent. The just man does only what is morally right, but he has an awful reputation.